Paul Hamilton Allen

(29 Aug) 1911 - 1963 (14 Nov)

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Paul H. Allen was an American orchidologist and plant ecologist who collected extensively in Panama in cooperation with the Missouri Botanical Garden, and who collected wild and cultivated bananas in the western Pacific for United Fruit Co. as part of a large breeding project.

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. Woodson, R.E., R.W. Schery, C.V. Morton, P.C. Stanley, P.H. Allen, F.P. Jonker, H.N. Moldenke and L.B. Smith. Flora of Panama. (pt. 1): .Google Scholar
1939. Woodson, Robert E., Russell J. Seibert and P. H. Allen. Contributions Toward a Flora of Panama. III. Collections During the Summer of 1938, Chiefly by R. E. Woodson, Jr., P. H. Allen, and R. J. Seibert. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (4): 265-324.Google Scholar
1940. Allen, Paul H., Robert E. Woodson and Robert W. Schery. Contributions Toward a Flora of Panama. IV. Miscellaneous Collections, Chiefly by Paul H. Allen. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (3): 265-364.Google Scholar
1943. Allen, P.H.. Poisonous and Injurious Plants of Panama. (): .Google Scholar
1949. Allen, Paul H.. Flora of Panama. Part III. Fascicle IV. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (1): 1-132.Google Scholar

1949. Allen, Paul H.. Flora of Panama. Part III. Fascicle I. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (2): 133-257.Google Scholar
1952. Allen, P.H.. The Swan Orchids: A Revision of the Genus Cycnoches ; I - IV. (): .Google Scholar
1952. Allen, P.H.. A Preliminary Index to the Trees of the Golfito-Palmar Area. (): .Google Scholar
1953. Allen, P.H.. The Orchids of Panama: Annotated Check-list of Genera and Species. (): .Google Scholar
1956. Allen, P.H.. The Rain Forests of Golfo Dulce. (): .Google Scholar
1964. Allen, P.H.. The Timber Woods of Panama. (): .Google Scholar
1964. Hodge, W. H.. Paul Hamilton Allen, 1911. Taxon (3): 73-77.Google Scholar
1965. Williams, L.O. and P.H. Allen. Orchidaceae. (): .Google Scholar
1965. Allen, P.H.. Annotated Index of Philippine Musaceae. (): .Google Scholar
1977. Allen, P.H.. The Rain Forests of Golfo Dulce. (): .Google Scholar
1978. Howard, Richard A. and Paul H. Allen. REVIEW OF: The Rain Forests of Golfo Dulce, Paul H. Allen. Arnoldia (2): 62-62.Google Scholar
1980. Williams, L.O. and P.H. Allen. Orchids of Panama: with a checklist of orchids of Panama as known today. (): .Google Scholar
1981. Butzin, Friedhelm, L. O. Williams and P. H. Allen. REVIEW OF: Orchids of Panama, L. O. Williams, P. H. Allen. Willdenowia (1): 182-183.Google Scholar