William Andrew Archer

(07 Nov) 1894 - 1973 (07 May)

William Archer was a Mexican-American botanist, plant pathologist, and prospector of medicinal plants. He was director of the Nevada Indian Medicine Project, which tested many thousands of plants for medicinal properties before WWII, the results of which were published as Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada in 1941. Archer did similar prospecting for useful plants in the Amazon and in Ethiopia, eventually returning to Nevada. In the 1920s Archer worked as a plant pathologist with USDA, and explored in South America in the early '30s. Later in his career he was a plant taxonomist and curator of the herbarium of the U.S. National Arboretum (1947-1964), and a volunteer archivist at the Smithsonian Institution until his death in 1973.

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1929. Gilman, J. C. and W. A. Archer. The fungi of Iowa parasitic on plants.. Iowa State College Journal of Science (4): .Google Scholar
1958. Archer, W. Andrew. Carleton Roy Ball, 1873-1958. Taxon (5): 121-123.Google Scholar
1962. Archer, W. Andrew. Adolpho Ducke, Botanist of the Brazilian Amazon (1876 - 1959). Taxon (8): 233-242.Google Scholar
1971. Walker, Egbert H. and W. Andrew Archer. Floyd Alonzo McClure (1897-1970). Taxon (5/6): 777-784.Google Scholar