Erik Asplund

(09 Oct) 1888 - 1974 (30 Jul)

Erik Asplund was a Swedish botanist and plant collector centered at the University of Uppsala and the Swedish Royal Museum of Natural History. He has had two plant genera (Asplundia and Asplundianthus) named for him, as well as at least 66 species. In the 1910s, Asplund collected in the Svalbard archipelago, Norway, and he continued to collect in Scandinavia throughout his life. From 1920 through the mid-1950s, he took many collecting trips to various places in South America, the flora of which was of great interest to him. Hundreds of Asplund's Scandinavian collections were widely distributed as exsiccatae sheets through G. Samuelsson's series, and his South American collections were mainly deposited at the Regnellian Herbarium, Swedish Royal Museum of Natural History (S).


JSTOR Bio Asplundianthus Bio - Swedish Mus. Nat. Hist. Regnellian Herbarium
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1970. Asplund, Erik, Graziela M Barroso, Alvaro Fernandez-Perez, Gunnar Harling, George Howard, Harold E Moore Jr, Richard E Schultes, W Arthur Sledge, William T Stearn and William C Steere. Richard Spruce: A proposed memorial. (): .Google Scholar
2018. Woollen, Malcolm. Erik Gunnar Asplund: Landscapes and Buildings. (): .Google Scholar