Edward Frederick Anderson

(17 Jun) 1932 - 2001 (29 Mar)

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Edward F. Anderson was an American botanist, ethnobotanist, educator and plant collector with a specialty in cacti, whose main collecting activity was in Mexico.

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1960. Anderson, Edward F.. A Revision of Ariocarpus (Cactaceae). I. The Status of the Proposed Genus Roseocactus. American Journal of Botany (7): 582-589.Google Scholar
1962. Anderson, Edward F.. A Revision of Ariocarpus (Cactaceae). II. The Status of the Proposed Genus Neogomesia. American Journal of Botany (6): 615-622.Google Scholar
1963. Anderson, Edward F.. A Revision of Ariocarpus (Cactaceae). III. Formal Taxonomy of the Subgenus Roseocactus. American Journal of Botany (7): 724-732.Google Scholar
1964. Anderson, Edward F.. A Revision of Ariocarpus (Cactaceae). IV. Formal Taxonomy of the Subgenus ariocarpus. American Journal of Botany (2): 144-151.Google Scholar
1967. Anderson, Edward F.. A Study of the Proposed Genus Obregonia (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany (7): 897-903.Google Scholar

1969. Anderson, Edward F.. The Biogeography, Ecology, and Taxonomy of Lophophora (Cactaceae). Brittonia (4): 299-310.Google Scholar
1969. Anderson, Edward F. and Norman H. Boke. The Genus Pelecyphora (Cactaceae): Resolution of a Controversy. American Journal of Botany (3): 314-326.Google Scholar
1970. Anderson, Edward F. and David L. Walkington. NEW COMBINATIONS AND TAXA IN THE CACTACEAE OF THE GALÁPAGOS ISLANDS. Madroño (5): 256-256.Google Scholar
1970. Boke, Norman H. and Edward F. Anderson. Structure, Development, and Taxonomy in the Genus Lophophora. American Journal of Botany (5): 569-578.Google Scholar
1984. Anderson, Edward F. and Susan M. Skillman. A Comparison of Aztekium and Strombocactus (Cactaceae). Systematic Botany (1): 42-49.Google Scholar
1986. Anderson, Edward F.. Ethnobotany of Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand. I. Medicinal Plants of Akha. Economic Botany (1): 38-53.Google Scholar
1986. Anderson, Edward F.. Ethnobotany of Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand. II. Lahu Medicinal Plants. Economic Botany (4): 442-450.Google Scholar
1994. W.C.K, , Edward F. Anderson, Salvador Arias Montes and Nigel P. Taylor. REVIEW OF: Threatened Cacti of Mexico, Edward F. Anderson, Salvador Arias Montes, Nigel P. Taylor. British Cactus & Succulent Journal (3): 117-118.Google Scholar
2001. Rowley, G. and Edward F. Anderson. REVIEW OF: The Cactus Family, Edward F. Anderson. British Cactus & Succulent Journal (2): 85-85.Google Scholar