Eily Edith Agnes Archibald

(07 Sep) 1914 - 2007 (30 May)

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Eily Archibald was a South African botanist who named several plant species of the veld grassland, and was the author and illustrator of The Eastern Cape Veld Flowers, a valuable resource for that flora.

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1948. ARCHIBALD, E. E. A.. Plant Populations: I. A New Application of Neyman's Contagious Distribution. Annals of Botany (47): 221-235.Google Scholar
1950. ARCHIBALD, E. E. A.. Plant Populations: II. The Estimation of the Number of Individuals per Unit Area of Species in Heterogeneous Plant Populations. Annals of Botany (53): 7-21.Google Scholar
2008. Brink, E and G Germishuizen. Eily Edith Agnes Gledhill (Nee Archibald)(1914-2007)-Obituary. (): .Google Scholar